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Boley is creating exclusive fireplaces in their studio since 1970. 

Their strength to listen to the individual wishes and their desire for uncompromised design are just parts of what makes Boley one of the most notable brands around. 

In their mission, quality and safety are one of the most important goals, wether it's a traditional wooden fireplace or a realistic gas fueled fire installation. 

The brand of Boley is most known for their tailored fireplaces. 

They broadened their inventory by importing wood and gas fireplaces with a unique encasing,  they also import a wide collection of encased combustion installations. These fireplaces got an efficiency of around 87 %.




We at Room for fire are partners with Boley for as long as we exist. The excellent build quality and broad spectrum of options are just a few aspects why we appreciate Boley as much as we do. 




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